[ 1997 North Sydney Bears ] 1998 North Sydney Bears ]

North Sydney Bears

1998 North Sydney Bears

BACK ROW: David Cook, Glenn Ward, Nick Shaw, Steve Carew, Beau Gallagher, Billy Moore, Joel Wilson, Mixie Lui, Kurt Bryant, John Faulks, Willie McClean
THIRD ROW: Michael Buettner, Scott Pethybridge, Clayton Whitten, Wade Horder, Adam Muir, Steve Trundall, Sean Rutgerson, Paul Stringer, Jason McDonald, Justin Yeo, Shawn Townsend
SECOND ROW: Joel Penny, Matt Orford, Mark Kusely, Matt Seers, Mark Soden, Mark Reber, Brett Dallas, David Hicks, Scott Lawson, Danny Sommerville, William Leyshon
FRONT ROW: Les Kiss (President's Cup Coach), Josh Stuart, Glenn Morrison, Ben Ikin, Jason Taylor (Captain), Greg Florimo (Club Captain), Gary Larson, David Fairleigh, Nigel Roy, Peter Louis  (First Grade Coach)

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