[ 1997 Western Suburbs Magpies ] 1998 Western Suburbs Magpies ]

Western Suburbs Magpies

1998 Western Suburbs Magpies

BACK ROW: Brenton Pomery, Adam Donovan, Chris Yates, Ashley Rhodes, Darren Fritz, Harvey Howard, John Skandalis, Ben MacDougall
SECOND ROW: Lincoln Raudonikis, Aseri Laing, Darryl Fisher, Jared Mills, Shane McMenemy, Nick Edwards, Adrian Rainey, Scott Coxon, Travis Baker, Brett Hodgson
FRONT ROW: Ciriaco Mescia, Ron Jones, Darren Willis, Brett Warton, Paul Langmack, Tom Raudonikis (Coach), Andrew Leeds (Captain), Ken McGuinness, Steve Georgalis, Damien Kennedy, Kevin McGuiness

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