More About Me

This page has been "under construction" for so long that my sister Julie has decided to write something "about me".  So here it is!

Tom Lee is my brother.  I have known him since I was one year old.  He is the 'middle child' of three.  I am his elder sister.  Joseph is his younger brother.

Here are my uncensored impressions of him.  I hope he will place these comments on his 'About Me' page because there is nothing else on it right now.

Tom is highly intelligent.  His computer skills are self-taught.  They must be.  I don't remember teaching him.  And he's never had formal tuition.  He knows how to get into the chat rooms, run EXCEL and create web pages with Netscape Composer.

But he doesn't brag about it.  He would probably say "That's no big deal.  Anybody can do that."  Well, it's a big deal to me.  I did not know how to connect to the internet until Tom explained it to me.  There's a time to be humble and there's also a time to feel proud of your own achievements.

Tom has the most relaxed and easygoing personality in our family.  He uses his computer for pleasure.  He's got a network of cyber friends with whom he chats and exchanges jokes.  He listens patiently as his friends tell him of their pain and sorrow.

I admire his patience and sensitivity.  Tom never seems to be in a hurry.  He does not rush himself or anyone else.  That's a welcome quality in today's age of instant gratification.

When our grandmother died in 1996, Tom wept.  I admired his show of emotion.  At the time he was not pleased about weeping because no one else was doing it.  Our family teaches men to be 'strong'.  For me, strength is about being in touch with yourself.  Especially your emotions.  A strong man cries.  A weak man can't face himself.

As we all know by now, Tom loves rugby league and his favourite team is the Bulldogs.  Tom started supporting the club when the Bulldogs were known as the Berries and all the clubs were based in Sydney.  He lives nearby their home ground at Belmore.  He attends every home game with his gold pass and reserve seat.  And he monitors the other games via TV and the radio.

Tom has put hundreds of hours into building and maintaining this web site.  He deserves to be very proud of it.  Tom pays a lot of attention to detail and aesthetics.  He understands the finer points of presentation and layout.  Tom does not tolerate spelling mistakes, mixed fonts or cluttered screens.  He is a good designer.

Tom runs the NRL tipping competition for his work colleagues.  It's an enormous commitment on his part.  Every week he collates the selections of over 20 colleagues and processes them manually on Sunday afternoon when the games are completed.  On Monday morning his work colleagues know where they stand in the competition.  He does not collect a fee for this service.  He does it because he wants to.

Julie D Lee

Well after I posted this, I asked my cyber-friend Sassy Cajun to read it.  Then I came up with the idea that I would let other people tell you all "about me".  So here is Sassy's description.

What can I say about the person that has been my lifeguard in this sea called, "The Internet.”

Tom, is one of the first people I spoke with when I logged onto the 'net.  We have known each other via the 'net for almost a year now..  Time sure does fly.

Tom, has saved my butt more times than I’d like to remember..  He has helped me to understand things about the 'net that I had no idea about.

Tom, is the one who did my homepage for me..  What patience!  He in now in the process of teaching me how to do it myself..  Oh, the times I have screwed up.  I have never met a man with so much patience.  He’d say, “That’s okay, we’ll just start over.”

Tom, has a passion for Rugby League Football..  He speaks of this often in the Chit Chat room..

I worry about him at times because he so generous with his offer to help me..  I worry that he doesn’t get enough sleep.  We have worked many hours together and he would refuse to go to bed until I had gotten at least part of what he was helping me with right..  to you my friend, I salute you for the fine person you are.

He has a love for his friends unlike many men I know..  As the matter of fact, I met Tom in the Chit Chat room on MGH..  He was there because a friend of ours has RSD..  He was there to give support for this friend.. That is the kind of person, Tom is...

To, you Tom, I give you my heart.. You stole that a long time ago, when you learned all there is about me and you never once turned your back..  I also give you my undying respect..

I love you my friend..

Sassy Cajun

This was sent to me from Simon, a friend from the Chit Chat room.

You and I don't talk much, but I have observed you for about two years now.  I don't recall ever hearing anything negative or offensive coming from you. I have however heard many instances of friendship and support.  I find that quite admirable!!


Frank (Faust) is a 41 year old chappie from Melbourne, Australia, and is a regular in Chit-Chat room.

I've known Tommy (MisterFixit) Lee for about 4 months now, I suppose.  I met him in Chit Chat, where he is a friendly, funny guy, whose enthusiam for sport, and his passion for Rugby League - go theDogs - is very obvious.  His tolerance of Australian Rules Football is to be applauded (Go the Blues).

I didn't know, until I found my way to his home page that he is a master page builder and a walking encyclopaedia of Rugby League.  What a guy!!

When I mentioned that I would like to create a page for myself, Tommy immediately offered to help.  My affair turned out very simple - adequate to my needs, if Tommy had not been on-line at the end of ICQ and asking had I started, had I looked at this and that, I'm not sure I would have touched a keystroke.

Maybe that's not such a big deal, but, for this old rhymer it was an old, old desire to put my stuff together.

Tommy, web magician, Rugby League afficianodo, all-round great guy, you are also a fulfiller of people's small dreams.

Thank you.

Frank (Faust)

December is a woman I had a relationship with in 1999 and even though things didn't work out as we wished, we remain good friends :)  Here's what she wrote about me.  She doesn't think I'll publish it LMAO.

Tom, I would like to add to your 'more about me' page.

Here goes.

Tom is a very patient and generous man...he pays me every time he wants sex...and is only selfish in bed when I am not being selfish enuff.

Tom is also a great help for ppl on computers, even tho I know more about computers and web page design than he does...he often offers to help and advise me, regardless of the fact that i know more.

Tom is also a very keen rugby league fanatic, and a mad supporter of Melbourne Storm.  In fact, he drinks his VB beer from a Storm stubbie holder!  He went to a Storm vs Manly game in Sydney recently, and started the day by wearing a Storm shirt.....what a guy!  Oh, he also seems to like the doggies, tho not sure why! :)

Tom is also the king of understatement, and feeling that he knows is what is going to happen. For example, one time he said to me....don't answer the phone because it will be my Mum. Well, it wasn't his mum who called, it was his flatmate trying to reach me, and was mad coz I didn't answer the phone. :)

But Tom never told me that his Mum would turn up out of the blue and let herself into the apartment.

Tom also doesn't believe in omens or portents or signs. He believes in neither fate or destiny, yet is a firm believer that sex with me was meant to be.

I agree with him.

Don't you?

Tom also claims to be a 'nice guy' even tho I know a few men on the net who dispute this, although that could be because Tom gets sex with me, and they don't.


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